Inspiring Aotearoa to be the world’s
best workplace

Best Places to Work aims to recognise, celebrate and cultivate excellence in employee experience, establishing Aotearoa New Zealand businesses as global leaders in workplace culture

Our three core offerings — the survey, awards and masterclass series — work to identify the best in employee experience and share innovative best practices with all organisations so that, together, our business community is supported on the journey to achieve employee experience excellence

Meet the Team

Julie Gill


James Hurman


Ciaran Gill

Programme Manager

Hayley Horan

BPTW Ambassador

Karen Stent

BPTW Ambassador

Paul Johnston

BPTW Ambassador

Foundation Partner


The EMA proudly joins Best Places to Work as the Foundation Partner to support Kiwi businesses to build and celebrate positive and resilient workplaces

EMA logo

Delivery Partners

Diamond Sponsor

nib logo in green

Diamond Sponsor

Diamond Sponsor

Previously Unavailable Logo

Programme Delivery Partner

Humankind Logo

Survey Design and EX Thought Leadership Partner

Media Partner — Startup Community

Media Partner

Awards and Masterclass
Delivery Partner

Survey Conductor Partner

Interested in becoming a delivery partner?

A top-down, bottom-up 
win-win situation

Why Best Places to Work?

Research shows that when employees feel cared for, inspired, included, and have a sense of progress and agency, they are vastly more motivated, creative and productive

Today’s best employers attract and retain top performers by investing in employee experience. 
Best Places to Work helps businesses to measure, benchmark, and improve employee satisfaction and create a workplace culture everyone loves

We believe companies empowered to create the best workplaces drive higher performance, profitability and innovation. Together we can ensure that Aotearoa New Zealand’s economy thrives

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