Partnering with the best

Our partners play a key role in our mission to make Aotearoa New Zealand the world’s best workplace

Foundation Partner

EMA logo

The EMA proudly joins Best Places to Work as the Foundation Partner to support Kiwi businesses to build and celebrate positive and resilient workplaces

A big mihi and thank you to all our partners for their generous support

Diamond Partners

We've partnered with Best Places to Work to celebrate the companies that are prioritising the health and wellbeing of their employees

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At HainesAttract we’re the experts in telling your organisation's story to help attract and hire. What makes you attractive, who needs to see it, and how to deliver it

HainesAttract Logo

Smartly makes it simple for New Zealand SMEs to look after their people. With easy payroll and people admin software, their staff are paid on time, accurately, and in line with legislation, making them one of the best places to work. That’s why we’ve chosen to partner with Best Places to Work





Advocate Partner

The HealthNow platform enables organisations to provide an innovative people-led health and wellbeing benefit to their teams. Only the best places to work take an active role in their people’s health and wellbeing. HealthNow is here to support them to deliver on that simply and effectively.

HealthNow Logo

Supporting Partners

Humankind is Aotearoa's largest EX design agency. We exist to bring humanity to work while helping organisations drive sustainable performance. When BPTW approached us to partner on celebrating Aotearoa's best workplaces, we couldn't resist

The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology